How do I automate workflows using Zapier
Connecting your UK Postbox account to Make is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to automate workflows with your envelope and content scans:
Step 1: Log in to Zapier
Navigate to Zapier and log into your account.
Step 2: Access Zapier Apps
Go to the "My Apps" section.
Step 3: Add a New Connection
Press the + Add Connection button.
Search for UK Postbox in the app search bar.
Step 4: Authorize UK Postbox
If no account is connected, add a new account.
A popup window will open for UK Postbox authorization.
If prompted, log into your UK Postbox account.
On the consent screen, press Allow to grant Zapier access to your UK Postbox account.
Step 5: Confirmation
Your UK Postbox account is now connected to Zapier!
Using New Content Scans
New Content Scans is a Trigger which activates when a new mail item's content scan is added to your UK Postbox Account
1.Create a Zap
Press + Create button on your Zapier dashboard.
Select Zaps.
2.Set up the Trigger
Search for UK Postbox.
Choose UK Postbox as the app.
Under Trigger Event, select New Content Scan.
3.Test the Trigger
Press Continue and then Test Trigger.
This will generate a fake content scan for testing purposes.
Press Continue with selected record
Trigger Output:
Name which includes the full file name
File which contains a temporary link to your digital mail item
id A unique id used by Zapier to prevent duplicate file uploading
Using New Envelope Scans
New Envelope Scans is a Trigger which activates when a new mail item's content scan is added to your UK Postbox Account
1. Create a Zap
Press + Create button on your Zapier dashboard.
Select Zaps.
2.Set up the Trigger
Search for UK Postbox.
Choose UK Postbox as the app.
Under Trigger Event, select New Envelope Scan.
3.Test the Trigger
Press Continue and then Test Trigger.
This will generate a fake envelope scan for testing purposes.
Press Continue with selected record
Trigger Output:
Name which includes the full file name
File which contains a temporary link to your digital mail item
ID A unique id used by Zapier to prevent duplicate file uploading