Shred Or Recycle
If you would like to destroy a physical letter or parcel and it’s accompanying digital copy you have two options; shred or recycle.
Shred is best for highly confidential items, where we shred and safely dispose of all contents and packaging. With Recycle we still shred elements of your items that are deemed confidential but process the remaining contents and packaging for recycling.
Note: Once an item is processed for shredding or recycling you will no longer be able to access or view it on the UK Postbox platform. Both the physical and digital version will be destroyed. If you want to keep the digital copy, you should use the Digital Store action, learn more here.
Login to your account.
Locate the item you wish to shred or recycle.
Select the item by either clicking on it or selecting the checkbox to the left-hand side.
The options available for the selected item will appear at the top of the page.
Select the “Shred” or “Recycle” option.
When asked to confirm you wish to proceed, select “Yes” or “No”.
Selecting “Yes” will destroy the physical and digital copy of your item.
If you wish to recycle an item or parcel please follow these steps
Login to your account.
Locate the item you wish to recycle.
Select the item by either clicking on it or selecting the checkbox to the left-hand side.
The options available for the selected item will appear at the top of the page.
Select the “Recycle” option.
When asked to confirm you wish to proceed, select “Yes” or “No”.
Selecting “Yes” will recycle the physical and digital copy of your item.
Once you recycle an item you will no longer be able to access the item in your inbox. The physical and/or digital version will be processed for recycling where we destroy any confidential information and recycle parts where possible.